Drive-thru Menu - North Liberty Java House
This menu design has been one of the largest things I have ever worked on in my career. It took a lot of research, scraped drafts, and testing. But after several weeks, I completed and sent the final design to be printed. When final print arrived at the office, everyone loved it. So far, we have only committed to redesigning the Java House(left) side of the menu, so I have photoshopped the Heirloom(right) side with my current mock-up.
This drive thru menu was initially installed by Howard Company. The sign consists of two static menus and a digital menu in the middle which I have programmed to cycle thru 3 slides per day on repeat. The two static menu boards are 26x46.5 inches.
This is a draft and not the final version.
1st draft
2nd draft
3rd draft
Last draft with final edits.